Samruk- Kazyna proposes to establish trade union organizations to support corporate governance

Such a proposal was announced today during the round table on corporate governance within the VII Astana Economic Forum. Head of the holding Umirzak Shukeyev noted that Samruk-Kazyna should correspond to the best standards and be a reliable party for its business partners. "We believe that our company and the state as a whole will become attractive for doing business. We are currently working on a program transformation - a comprehensive program of the Fund for the transition to a higher level of development and efficiency, and we want to bring Samruk-Kazyna on a par with the world's leading multinational companies and state holdings, such as "Temasek". One of the areas of the program is corporate governance", said U.Shukeyev. The meeting was attended by leading experts of the OECD, International Finance Corporation, British Institute of Directors, British Institute of Corporate Secretaries and Administrators, corporate governance experts from countries near and far abroad, independent directors of public and private companies, government representatives, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, and the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange.