16:42, 28 December 2009 | GMT +5
SamruKazyna Chairman Kelimbetov: 80% of funds allocated under anti-crisis program utilised
ANA. December 28. KAZINFORM /Gulnar Zhandagulova/ 80 percent of funds allocated under the anti-recessionary program has been already used; Chairman of the Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC Kairat Kelimbetov has said it today at the press-conference.

By the Governmental Decree "Samruk-Kazyna" Fund was qualified as the principal operator of the anti-recessionary program. According to K. Kelimbetov "Samruk-Kazyna" Fund allocated KZT 1 trillion 87.5 bln under the program from which KZT 486 bln was allotted for the stabilization of the financial sector, KZT 360 bln - for the real estate market issues, KZT 120 bln - for support of small and medium businesses and KZT 121.5 bln - for implementation of innovative, industrial and infrastructure projects.
As the Chairman of the Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" Fund noted "KZT 887.2 bln have been utilised as of December, 1, 2009 that makes 80 percent of allocated funds".