08:41, 27 April 2009 | GMT +5
SANYRYK TOKTYBAIULY (1691/92 - date of death unknown) – one of the legendary warriors of Kazakh people, who struggled against the Dzungars. He comes from the Oshakty tribe of the Great zhuz.

He is mentioned in the poem ?Yelim-ai? (?My people?) of Kozhabergen zhyrau and in the works of A.Divayev. His father Toktybai, also a batyr, was known for his bravery, honesty and justice. His three sons ? Danen, Sanyryk, Sanymergen ? inherited the father's qualities. He was characterized by his accuracy in archery. This quality helped him in the struggle against the Dzungars. Many young men began to rally together in squads, which were headed by such batyrs like Sanyryk from the Great zhuz and Tailak from the Little zhuz. They were together in one of the first victories over the Dzungars in the Bulant and Anyrakai battles.
Many historians highly appraise the role of commanders Sanyryk and Tailak in many other battles.
In 1740 Sanyryk batyr was wounded in one of the battles and died. Under orders of Tole bi the batyr was buried in Turkestan.
Kazakhstan, National encyclopedia, vol.4
?Historical figures? book