Scientists: Brazil facing worst moment in pandemic

RIO DE JANEIRO. KAZINFORM Home to less than three percent of the world’s population, Brazil has 10.3 percent of all deaths caused by COVID-19 globally. The figure can be found in the COVID-19 Observatory Report, published Thursday (Mar. 11) by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a key institution for science and technology in health care.

«The world has a total of 117,573,007 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,610,925 deaths from the disease. Brazil is among the countries with the bleakest indicators—11,122,429 cases and 268,370 deaths, accounting for 9.5 and 10.3 percent of the global amount respectively, even though its population makes up less than three percent of the global population,» the text reads, AgenciaBrasil reports.

The specialists mention that Brazil is currently facing its worst moment since the beginning of the pandemic, with a significant reduction in its transmission curve never having been achieved. The new record highs for cases and fatalities, they note, have been topped day by day, coupled with the collapse in health care networks in a significant portion of states and municipalities.

According to data from InfoGripe, included in the document, the levels of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are appalling across all Brazilian states, with a rising trend in all states in the South and Southeast. Of all notifications with a positive result for respiratory viruses, 96.7 percent of cases and 99.1 percent of deaths come as a result of the novel coronavirus, the scientists state.

Intensive care

The occupancy rate of COVID-19 intensive care units (ICU) for adults at Brazil’s public hospitals has remained critical, Fiocruz mentions. The foundation points out that 20 of the 27 state capitals had ICU occupancy rates of 80 percent or more, of which 15 had levels above 90 percent.

In the document, the researchers stress the need to expand and step up non-pharmacological measures, including social and physical distancing, wearing masks, and keeping hands clean. In more critical scenarios, the adoption of stricter limits on circulation and non-essential activities is also recommended.

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