11:15, 09 September 2013 | GMT +5
Scientists from Spain, Poland & Turkey lecture at Pavlodar State University
ASTANA . September 9. KAZINFORM - Scientists of the EU countries are lecturing Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University's students, undergraduates and doctoral students, the press service of the University reports.

Professors form the University of Valencia (Spain) and Upper Silesian economic University (Poland) students Igor Tkachenko, Andjey Bishtigi and Stephen Dyrka are giving a lecture called "Theory of functions of complex variables".
The Polish scientists are telling the Kazakh students about the latest methods of research and scientific development in the field of public international law and management.
Professors from Turkey advise future professionals in information systems and telecommunications.
Working with foreign teachers enables students and employees of the University to acquire new knowledge, to prepare and publish collaborative research works in international journals.