15:52, 29 April 2009 | GMT +5
Second-tier banks plan to utilize all funds allocated for mortgage refinancing till June 1
ALMATY. April 29. KAZINFORM. /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ A session on the issues of construction and progress of utilization of funds allocated for refinancing of mortgage loans within the framework of the Government?s antirecessionary program has been held in Almaty today. First Deputy Prime Minister Umirzak Shukeyev took part in the meeting.

To date ?Kazkommertsbank? JSC has utilized KZT 6 billion. ?The rest part of resources will be disbursed till June 1?, Head of the Bank Nina Zhussupova said.
BTA Bank utilized KZT 10 billion out of 40 billion allotted within the refinancing program.
Halyk Bank registered 2,250 loans to the amount of KZT 8.12 billion. Out of KZT 24 billion of allocated funds the bank plans to utilize KZT 20 billion till June 1.
Alliance Bank has disbursed KZT 5.24 billion that is 38% out of the total amount of allocated funds. Till May 15 the bank intends to utilize 80%.
Bank CenterCredit approved 378 loans and utilized KZT 2.56 billion.
ATF Bank used KZT 2.5 billion out of 3 billion of allocated funds. The similar performance index is in Temirbank, Kaspi bank and Tsesnabank.
U. Shukeyev emphasized that all banks should utilize the allocated funds till June 1. Afterwards interest rates for pending disbursements will be increased. Three banks which are the worst in utilization of funds will lose all allocated funds. Recently the Head of the State has sharply criticized the pace of utilization of funds allocated for mortgage refinancing.