11:20, 05 May 2009 | GMT +5
Seminar on anticorruption activities in customs services starts in Astana
ASTANA. May 5. KAZINFORM. /Kurmat Samarkhan/ A two-day seminar on ?Strategic methods of upgrading anticorruption activities in customs agencies. International experience? has started today in Astana. The event is organized by the OSCE Center in Astana, Customs Control Committee of the Kazakh Finance Ministry and World Customs Organization.

The workshop is aimed at raising awareness about improvement of anticorruption work in customs services as well as developing institutional opportunities of state bodies in realization of the national anticorruption strategy.
?Corruption hinders development of market economy, reduces investment flow, and results in development of shadow economy?, head of the OSCE Center in Astana Alexander Kelchevsky said.
The participants of the meeting are planned to work out recommendations for further review and improvement of the national working plan of the Customs Control Committee on activation of anticorruption activity in the Ministry?s departments.