Senate Speaker Ashimbayev names 3 major laws adopted this year

Photo: Viktor Fedyunin/Kazinform

Kazakh Senate Speaker Maulen Ashimbayev has named the three major laws adopted by deputies this year, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

During the session, 102 laws, of which 33 were initiated by deputies themselves, were adopted. I don’t think that’s been done before, said Ashimbayev during a briefing in the Senate.

The Senate chairman went on to name three laws that are of great importance for the society. According to him, among the three major laws adopted by deputies this year is the allocation of part of investment revenues of the country’s National Fund to children’s accounts. 

As Ashimbayev believes, the law aimed at criminalizing domestic violence is placed second in terms of its importance for the society.

The third major law is one on public procurement. As of today, 80% of all corruption-related crimes are linked to the public procurement process, said Ashimbayev. 

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