19:20, 14 November 2014 | GMT +5
Senate Speaker receives Israel's Ambassador to Kazakhstan
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Today, 14 November, the Chairman of the Senate Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev has received the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Israel Eliyahu Tasman, the press service of Kazakhstan's Parliament informs.

K.Tokayev expressed satisfaction with the fruitful development of Kazakh-Israeli relations and briefed Eliyahu Tasman on the preparations for the V Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions, which will take place 10 -11 June 2015. "We appreciate the participation of religious leaders of Israel in the summit and look forward to their continued involvement," said K.Tokayev. He also drew Ambassador's attention to the new state-of-the-nation address. E.Tasman informed the Speaker on the diplomatic mission and on the plans to intensify cooperation in the field of efficiency of water conservation, agriculture and health.