Separate waste collection to be introduced in Astana

The main task for workers of the garbage recycling plant is reverse waste collection. Today there are containers for separate waste collection in the capital, but the people put everything into one bag by force of habit. According to an expert's advice, at first explanatory works should be held with Astana residents, and then containers should be placed.
Egor Zinger, general director of the garbage recycling plant LLP "Altyn-TET", Astana city:
"I would start placing containers not in the yards, but at our plant, like they do in other countries, in Europe, in the whole world. In other words, they place 2-3 containers and invite people; we will introduce this in practice now, we have already developed a program to invite schoolchildren, students and show how difficult the process is at this plant".
The garbage recycling plant in Astana has been functioning for 9 months, and over this time they've received about 200 000 tons of waste, which is about 700-800 tons a day, according to After this the garbage is recycled into cellulose wool, film, flakes, granulated polyethylene flakes, plates.
Egor Zinger, general director of the garbage recycling plant LLP "Altyn-TET", Astana city:
"The advantage of our plant in Astana is that we solve social ecological environment in the city. We fully receive waste, we reduce it 6-10-fold, we separate the entire fraction needed for recycling, and the fraction not to be recycled, but it is sent as non-waste fraction in pressurized form of 1200-1400 kg per cubic meter".
The plant works according to European technologies and is prepared to separate waste collection. In addition, it will lead to creation of additional work places.