Serena Williams falls ill after eating dog food ... then wins at Italian Open

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The benefits of special diets for athletes have been well documented, but Serena Williams may have taken things too far on Wednesday when she decided to sample her pet dog's dinner.

Williams is playing in the Italian Open, and her hotel had prepared a special menu for her Yorkshire terrier, Chip, including a tempting salmon and rice dish. The world No1 sampled some of it, telling fans on Snapchat: "I ate a spoonful. Don't judge me."

Williams's verdict? It tasted "a little bit like a house-cleaner thing." That was followed by an urgent trip to the bathroom a few hours later. "I don't think it's consumable for humans. They should have wrote that," noted Williams.

The incident did little to slow down Williams once she played Christina McHale in the third round in Rome: she won 7-6 (7-5), 6-1. Chip's thoughts on the matter were not available at the time of publication.

Source: The

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