16:30, 11 September 2015 | GMT +5
Serik Sapiyev: 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate indicates strength of our ancestors' spirit
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate is not just our history, it is also an indicator of the strength of the spirit of our ancestors who managed to preserve our statehood, Olympic boxing champion Serik Sapiyev told congratulating the people of the country on this date.
"The national identity of the Kazakhs underwent serious tests over the course of the history. Studying the history of Kazakhstan we can see how tough it was for our ancestors to obtain and preserve independence.
This holiday is a sign for younger generations how to value and preserve the accumulated knowledge, traditions and customs of the nation for the future generations.
Thus, the 550 th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate has a significant political meaning. This date is truly significant and symbolic for the history of the Kazakh statehood.
Dear Kazakhstanis, I congratulate you on this holiday and wish you to do sports and be strong!" S. Sapiyev told.