Several Pharmacy Committee employees detained over corruption

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Several officials of the Pharmacy Committee of the Ministry of Healthcare and its territorial divisions have been detained by the Anti-Corruption Service over allegations of bribery and lobbying the interests of pharmaceutical companies. This was reported by the press service of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.

According to the Bureau, on July 3 the anti-corruption service, Chairman of the Pharmacy Committee of the Ministry of Health Pak., head of the pharmacy department of Pavlodar region Kazhinova, chief specialist of the Pharmacy Committee for South-Kazakhstan region Imamkhodzhaev, chief expert of the Pharmacy Committee Ibraeva were detained on allegations of repeatedly receiving bribes for a total amount of more than 10 million tenge. It si noted that these individuals received unlawful rewards for issuing certificates of proper production and distribution practices.

The Bureau also reports of the detention of the executive director of NPO Zerde LLP Zhuzbayeva for giving bribes.

The detained officials, along with receiving bribes, are suspected of embezzlement of budget funds by overstating the cost of medicines purchased under the guaranteed volume of free medical care.

By the sanction of the court, Pak, Kazhinova, Imamkhodzhaev, and Zhuzbayeva were sentenced to custody, and Ibraeva was placed under house arrest.


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