Sewol trial: Verdicts due in S Korea ferry case

Lee Joon-seok is among 15 crew on trial over the loss of the Sewol, one of South Korea's worst maritime disasters.
Most of the dead were schoolchildren on an excursion, BBC News reports.
Nationwide grief at the disaster was followed by outrage, with revelations of mismanagement by ferry operators and lapses in the emergency response.
Hours before the verdict, the South Korean government called off the search for bodies in the sunken vessel.
A total of 295 bodies have been retrieved by teams of divers but nine people remain unaccounted for.
Public fury The case led to severe criticism of safety standards and of the government's handling of the rescue operation.
The South Korean coast guard is due to be disbanded and replaced with a new agency after accusations that it did not act swiftly or aggressively enough to save lives.
The disaster has been blamed on a combination of illegal redesigns, the overloading of cargo and the inexperience of the crew member steering the vessel.