Share of deposits in tenge was 40.8% in Aug 2015 - National Bank

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The National Bank announced its analysis of the deposit market as of late August 2015.

According to the Bank, in August 2015, the volume of residents' deposits in deposit organizations made 13 trln 205 bln 500 mln tenge. Legal entities' deposits made 8 trln 37 bln 200 mln tenge and individuals' deposits amounted to 5 trln 168 bln 300 mln tenge. In the reporting month, the total volume of deposits in national currency made 5 trln 389 bln 200 mln tenge, in foreign currency - 7 trln 816 bln 300 mln tenge. The share of deposits in tenge was 40.8%. Household deposits in banks (including non-residents' savings) made 5 trln 226 bln 700 mln tenge, among them in tenge - 1 trln 380 bln 400 mln tenge, in foreign currency - 3 trln 846 bln 200 mln tenge. The share of deposits in tenge made 26.4%. Fixed-term deposits volume in late August 2015 made 9 trln 391 bln 400 mln tenge, in national currency - 3 trln 234 bln 800 mln tenge and in foreign currency - 6 trln 156 bln 700 mln tenge. In August 215, the average weighted interest rate on all fixed-term deposits in national currency made 7. 3% (non-banking legal entities) and 8.5% (individuals).

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