10:58, 26 June 2013 | GMT +6
Singapore 'inspires' Pavlodar college to create new chemical laboratories
PAVLODAR. June 26. KAZINFORM Singaporean experts took part in the presentation of new laboratories at Pavlodar College of Chemistry and Mechanical Science, Kazinform has learnt from the Department of Education.
The cooperation between Pavlodar colleges and Singaporean tertiary institutions started last year. Heads and teachers of the Pavlodar College of Chemistry and Mechanical Science and the College of Business explored the training system at Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore and developed the pilot training projects for their own educational institutions.
Guests from Singapore familiarized with the results of that work in Pavlodar this week.
'Singapore inspired' chemical laboratories set up at the college are equipped with modern equipment, database for specific disciplines, and electronic form for reporting.