Situation with COVID-19 deteriorates in Akmola rgn
According to the sanitary epidemiological control department of Akmoal region, 290 new fresh cases of the coronavirus infection have been reported in the region in the past 24 hours, including 254 symptomatic and 36 asymptomatic ones. The daily growth rate stands at 0.6%.
215 people have tested positive for COVID-19 when seeking medical help due to SARS symptoms, 53 after coming into contact with those infected, and 22 following preventive exams.
Of the 290 cases, 271 have been reported in adults and 19 in children under 14.
101 daily fresh COVID-19 infections have been recorded in Kokshetau city, 100 in Burabay district, 20 in Yreimentausk district, 19 in Zerendinsk, 13 in Bulandynsk district, 13 in Shortandinsk district, five in Tselinograd district, four in Bulandynsk district, four in Yegindykolsk district, three in Yessilsk district, three in Sandyktausk district, two in Akkolsk district, two in Atbassarsk district, and one in Birzhan Sal district.