Six stubborn myths about cancer

The recent Channel 4 documentary "You're killing my son" told the story of Neon Roberts, a young boy whose treatment for a brain tumour was halted by his mother Sally, who remained convinced that radiotherapy would cause long-term harm and wanted to try alternative medical treatments.
After a difficult court battle, Neon received radiotherapy, leaving his mother somewhat unimpressed. "Death by doctor is very common, but thankfully, because of the internet these days a number of us have educated ourselves," she says in the documentary. "There's so many other options that we've been deprived of, denied."
The Neon Roberts case is tragic and reveals the quagmire of misinformation that surrounds the disease, but Ms Roberts's comment should not be completely dismissed. Misguided though she might be, her point that the internet is full of information about cancer cannot be denied. Much of it is dubious and outlandish, but differentiating between fact and fiction can be difficult and a host of myths about cancer have found new life online.
While it would be impossible to address all the legends on the subject, it is worth dispelling some of the more persistent misunderstandings.
Cancer rates are rising
Sharks don't get cancer
Cancer is a modern disease
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are poisons
There is a cure, but big pharma is suppressing it
Cancer can be cured by X
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