16:12, 07 February 2014 | GMT +5
Skier Erdos Akhmadiyev flies Kazakhstan's Flag at Sochi Olympics opening
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Kazakhstan's flag at the opening ceremony of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi will be flown by Erdos Ahmadiyev, military of the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the Defence Ministry.

He stands in the national team of Kazakhstan in ski racing and the Sochi Olympics is the first in his sport career.
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi will be attended by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. As expected, the President will personally meet with the Kazakh athletes.
The Kazakh national team consists of 52 athletes including 10 members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (biathlon and cross-country skiing). Kazakhstan at the Olympics in Sochi will be presented in 11 sports.