Snow in store for most of Kazakhstan Dec 27
Partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and wind at 9-14mps, gusting up to 15-18mps, are expected in Aktau city. Temperature is to stand at 0-2 degrees Celsius temperature at night and 3-5 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Cloudiness, snow, and 9-14mps wind with gusts of up to 15-18mps are forecast for Aktobe city. Temperature is to fall to -7-9 degrees Celsius at night and -2-4 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Atyrau city is to see partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 9-14mps wind. Temperature is to dip to -2-4 degrees Celsius at night and rise to 2 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Karaganda city is to brace for partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 3-8mps wind. Temperature will drop to -18-20 degrees Celsius at night and -12-14 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Partly cloudy skies, snow, and wind blowing up to 9-14mps with gusts of up to 15-20mps are forecast for Kokshetau city. Temperature is to dip to -20-22 degrees Celsius at night and -10-12 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Kostanay city is to expect cloudy skies, snow, and 15-20mps wind. Temperature is to drop to -20-22 degrees Celsius at night and to -4-6 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and wind at 5-10mps are expected in Kyzylorda city. Temperature is predicted to drop to -11-13 degrees Celsius at night and -2-4 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Pavlodar city is to brace for partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 7-12mps wind. Temperature is to dip to -16-18 degrees Celsius at night and -13-15 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Petropavlovsk city is to see cloudy skies, snow, and 9-14mps wind. Temperature is to dip to -23-25 degrees Celsius at night and -9-11 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Cloudy skies, rain, and wind at 5-10mps are forecast for Taldykorgan city. Temperature is predicted to drop to -4-6 degrees Celsius at night and range between -1 and 3 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Taraz city is to expect partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 7-12mps wind. Temperature is to drop to -2-4 degrees Celsius at night and rise to -2 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Turkestan city is to brace for partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 8-13mps wind. Temperature is to drop to -5-7 degrees Celsius at night and range between -1 and +1 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Uralsk city is to see partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 9-14mps. The city is to see temperature fall to -16-18 degrees Celsius temperature at night and to -12-14 degrees Celsius temperature at daytime.
Partly cloudy skies, snow, and wind at 2-7mps are forecast for Ust-Kamenogorsk city. Temperature is to fall to -10-12 degrees Celsius at night and -3-5 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Nur-Sultan city is to brace for partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 9-14mps wind. Temperature will drop to -22-24 degrees Celsius at night and -11-13 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Cloudy skies, snow, and wind blowing 2-7mps are forecast for Almaty city. Temperature is to dip to -1-3 degrees Celsius at night and rise to +2 degrees Celsius at daytime.
Shymkent city is to expect partly cloudy skies, no precipitation, and 8-13mps wind. Temperature is to drop to -5-7 degrees Celsius at night and range between -1 and +1 degrees Celsius at daytime.