Society’s well-being depends on employment, says Deputy PM
At the meeting, Gulshara Abdykalykova called on the heads of regional enterprises to prevent any wage arrears or reductions of staff.
"We are tasked to avoid any wage arrears. 30 percent of conflicts arise from such debts. Secondly, it is necessary to think about safety and labor protection. We managed to reduce the occupational fatality rates. (...) It is also necessary to raise workers' wages. Over the past ten years, we have raised wages in the public sector by 2.5 times. This time we will raise 30 percent more for the lowest paid workers. Besides, managers of enterprises should not allow any job cuts. Now the society's well-being depends on ensuring employment," she said.
Alongside this, Berdybek Saparbayev, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, called on the leaders of Aktobe region's enterprises to help needy families to purchase housing and to provide them with financial assistance.
"We should prevent any social tension. Above all, it is imperative that a person works, get a salary, and his/her labor rights are respected. I want to thank the enterprises of Aktobe region for fulfilling the President's instruction for the increase in pay. The next instruction is to prevent any wage arrears. Many large families are on the waiting list for housing, but there are those who are not. We request business leaders to consider the opportunity to help such families. For example, a disabled woman works at Zhanazhol, she raises a child on her own. She asked us to help her with the down payment for an apartment, and she has the savings for its purchase," he said.
In turn, heads of enterprises reported on the work being done for the social support of employees' families. For instance, last year TNK Kazchrome JSC allocated KZT 12 million for the families of Aktobe employees as financial assistance for housing construction. Since 2006, the company has built 12 residential buildings for employees in Aktobe region. They are now considering the issue of providing 10-percent down payment for obtaining apartments through second-tier banks.