15:36, 09 November 2018 | GMT +5
Solar plant to be installed in Turkestan rgn
TURKESTAN. KAZINFORM Governor of Turkestan region Zhanseit Tuimebayev has met with the delegation of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Korea led by KK-KIUNSEN company's director to debate realization of investment projects in the region, Kazinform reports referring to the governor's press service.

Tuimebayev briefed on the potential of the region expressing readiness to implement joint investment projects.
In their turn, South Korean entrepreneurs expressed their intent to build a solar power plant with a capacity of 10 MW in Baidibek district. The project is worth KZT 7.4 billion. The total area of the solar plant to be installed in Zhambyl village is to make 1,200 ha. 50 new workplaces will be created as soon as the project is done.