Some 100 dolphins stuck in ice in Crimea

ODESSA. March 28. KAZINFORM.  Workers of the territorial department of the Azov fishing security service have found from 60 to 100 dolphins in the offshore area near the village of Novootradnoye in the Crimea. The animals turned out to be stuck the ice hole 200 metres long and 60 metres wide between the seashore and the ice floes.

According to Itar-Tass,  "The special machinery is needed for the salvation of dolphins," the leading ichthyologist of the Crimean territorial department Matveyev told live on the Ukrainian radio station Kerch FM. "The dolphins will die, if no measures are taken," the specialist warned.

The environmental protection prosecutor's office and the ecological inspection were informed about a dramatic situation.

Ukrainian Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Nikolai Zlochevsky is arriving on the accident site on Wednesday, according to available reports.


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