18:46, 03 March 2021 | GMT +6
Some people need more time to develop immunity after coronavirus vaccination — expert
MOSCOW. KAZINFORM Some people need more time to develop immunity after coronavirus vaccination, Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing’s Central Research Institute of Epidemiology Alexander Gorelov told Channel One.
«Some develop a rapid immune response, while others need more time,» he pointed out, commenting on reports that some people’s tests at first showed no antibodies, TASS reports.
According to Gorelov, human T cells store information on past diseases throughout one's lifetime. «If we encounter the virus again, T cells send signals to B cells and those start to produce antibodies to neutralize the virus,» the expert explained.
T cells are the basis of human immune defenses. These white blood cells facilitate the production of antibodies and destroy viral cells. B memory cells, which are also part of response to infections, can persist in the body for years, producing antibodies in case they encounter a pathogen.