Sovereign Kazakhstan has made a great breakthrough during its 18 years of Independence – Halyk Kaharmany Akim Atmachidi

"During these years of development the country has lived several difficulties but could preserve main values such as progression in its development, stability and unity of multinational nation of our Republic. A lot of things are done in the country so its people could live in law-based state whereas its democratic reforms let the country take up a post of OSCE chairman. All this was reached due to the strategy chosen by the Kazakh Government and Leader of our Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev", - Chairman of the Board of "Proizvodstvennoye Obiedineniye Sbornogo Zhelezobetona" LLP in Semey city Akim Atmachidi said.
This year the enterprise which during many years entered the number of leaders in construction industry of the country has marked its jubilee. One of the first industrial workers in the country who was awarded with the rank of Hero of People has worked in the enterprise during all these 50 years.
He was born in that terrible year - 1937 when his father was arrested and shot death as the "enemy of the nation" because he could not explain the meaning of the word "politics". In 1942 his family after a long travel from Tuapse arrived in Semipalatinsk. After several days spent at railway station his large family (grandmother, mother and four children) was given a home by Kazakh family. Since that time this city and Kazakhstan has become a native country for Akim Atmachidi.
"My best years of life have past in Semipalatinsk, in Kazakhstan which has become native for me", - the Hero of People said. "Each day of my life I devote to my favorite work. I watched how the generations of builders built cities and villages of our country, improved living conditions for many thousands of their compatriots".
The profession chosen by him gave a possibility to Akim Atmachidi to pass all stages of career ladder in production. After graduation from school he entered the construction institute and later - the engineering faculty of technologic institute. He worked as a master of concrete mixing station in Semsovnarhozstroy. A year later he worked as a technical laboratory assistant, head of the plant and deputy director of plant till 1967. Since that time he worked as the first head of this enterprise.
In 1986 due to the organizational talent of Atmachidi, reconstruction and implementation of new technology the concern changed its status. The enterprise was the best concern in former Soviet Union; its name was enlisted into the All-Soviet Board of Honor and Gold Book of the Republic.
According to many people, the main character of Akim Atmachidi is the skill to unite his adherents. His team covers creative and initiative workers. He always can transfuse his enthusiasm and industry into his surrounding.
The first years after the collapse of the USSR the recession in economy influenced his enterprise as well. But the strong industrial worker did not let the enterprise to be ruined.
Now the construction industry is under difficult conditions because of the global crisis but the general director and workers of the enterprise believe that there will be good time for production.
"The crisis cannot be eternal and I am sure that the construction industry will make a name again. The construction complex of the country will be certainly developed further, as far as there is a huge demand in new housing. Kazakh people want to live in better conditions and the Head of the State jointly with the Government do all possible to bring their plans and dreams to life. I congratulate all people on the 18th anniversary of Independence of our State and wish all compatriots all the best".