16:16, 18 June 2016 | GMT +5
Soyuz Space capsule with international crew lands in Kazakhstan
KOROLYOV. KAZINFORM - A Soyuz space capsule with Russian, US and British astronauts landed on Saturday in Central Asia's Kazakhstan, the Russian mission control center said.
The Soyuz TMA-19M capsule undocked from the International Space Station and reentered the atmosphere earlier today.
"A successful landing! The capsule landed 147 kilometers [91 miles] from the city of Jezkazgan in Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan," a source in the control center told RIA Novosti.T
The capsule carried Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, NASA astronaut Timothy Kopra and European Space Agency's Timothy Peake back to the Earth.
The astronauts landed in south-central Kazakhstan after spending 186 days on the International Space Station.
Kazinform refers to Sputniknews.com