Spain hosts reception dated to Day of 1st President of Kazakhstan

ASTANA. December 2. KAZINFORM The Embassy of the Republic Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of Spain hosted a reception on the occasion of the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan.

The event brought together eminent political figures of Spain, scientists, heads of local companies and citizens of Kazakhstan working or studying in Spain.

Ambassador Bakyt Dyussenbayev told those present about the very special role of President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the formation of independent Kazakhstan. He noted under Nazarbayev's rule Kazakhstan had achieved success in the international arena staying committed to interfaith dialogue and world without nuclear weapons which allowed the country to earn remarkable standing in the world.

Participants, in their turn, praised versatility of highly effective presidential rule in Kazakhstan.

A photo exhibition and multiple editions of Nursultan Nazarbayev's selected works in Spanish were presented at the reception. The guests also enjoyed the dishes of the Kazakh cuisine.

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