Special Economic Zone development discussed in Pavlodar

In particular, there have been considered the comments made by the President on the development of SEZ. It bears to remind that in October 2013, Kazakh President drew attention to poor selection of projects and shortage of direct investment in "Pavlodar" SEZ.
According to the press service, on the territory of SEZ «Caustic» corporation produces caustic soda, liquid chlorine and hydrochloric acid. Production growth in the last year compared with 2012 was 28%. In the SEZ there has being constructed petroleum coke calcining installation with the capacity of 280 thousand tons per year (total investment equals to KZT 14.5 billion). The project is being implemented by «Himsbyt -PV» LLP.
Akim of the region entrusted his first deputy Dusenbay Turganov to take control over the SEZ development.
In addition, the round table discussed the implementation of «Business Road Map - 2020» program and «KazAgro» JSC involvement in the rural areas program. In this context, the Akim instructed district Akims before July 1 to consider at least three projects within «Business Road Map - 2020», one project within the Industrialization Map and programs of «KazAgro» JSC. There have been also given instructions on building export capacity of cattle meat and enhancing of processing plants.