State fulfills all its social obligations in 2023 - Finance Minister

Madi Takiyev
Photo credit: UKIMET/Telegram

By providing sufficient amount of funding in 2023, the state managed to fulfill all its social obligations, said Minister of Finance Madi Takiyev at the Senate’s plenary session on June 13, Kazinform News Agency reports.

“Budget deficit made 3.1 trillion tenge or 2.6% against GDP (119 251.1657 billion tenge). As of January 1, 2024, state debt totaled 27.2 trillion tenge or 22.8% of GDP,” Madi Takiyev said, reporting on utilization of the national budget in 2023.

The minister said that the annual plan for the national budget revenues was fulfilled by 99.9%, with 19 trillion tenge received (against 19.1 trillion tenge of the planned amount)

Of this volume, budget income (excluding transfers) accounted for 14.5 trillion tenge (99.3% against planned 14.6 trillion tenge). The plan was not fulfilled by 101 billion tenge.

"In general, compared to 2022, incomes increased by 4 trillion tenge (+138.8%, from 10.5 trillion in 2022 to 14.5 trillion in 2023). 2.9 trillion tenge of this amount was secured by tax revenues which rose by 29% (from 10 trillion tenge in 2022 to 12.9 trillion tenge in 2023)," Madi Takiyev added.

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