15:11, 07 December 2009 | GMT +5
State procurements to be performed by E-methods only from January 1: B.Zhamishev
ASTANA. December 7. KAZINFORM /Serik Sabekov/ "Beginning from January 1, 2010 the state procurements of Kazakhstan will be performed by electronic methods only", Kazakh Minister of Finance Bolat Zhamishev has said today at the telephone conference of the Government.

According to the estimates of the ministry of Finance, the system of electronic public procurements will allow to both reduce budget expenditures on procurement of goods, works and services for the state requirements and time expenditures on procurements holding not less then by 4-5 times.
As B.Zhamishev informed, upon the results of 11 months the number of buyers having right for holding electronic procurements is up to 18 341, 4710 out of them are organizations performing procurements in electronic format.