Steppe Eagle - 2016: First week ended (PHOTOS)

STXs are short, scenario-based exercises designed to train troops on one or several complex tasks linked to the realities of military operations. At Steppe Eagle - 2016, the focus is on peacekeeping and peace support operations and four companies have rotated through four STXs, focusing on civil military operations, cordon and search, border security and responding to civilian population disturbances.
Kazakhstan Peacekeeping Battalion soldiers reacted to a civilian disturbance July 21. The soldiers spent the morning training on various drills and then tested their new skills with a fast-paced practical exercise, complete with "rioters" throwing potatoes and other items. British soldiers from 1st Battalion, The Rifles, along with American Soldiers from the Minnesota National Guard's 682nd Engineer Battalion, 84th Troop Command served as role players for the training.
In the upcoming week the troops will undertake a Field Training Exercise that will test all the skills they trained on during the STXs lanes.