Still no government in Greece as far-left ends talks

PARIS. May 10. KAZINFORM The leader of the Greek far-left party that came second in last weekend's elections says he has failed in his bid to form a coalition government.

It follows another earlier failure by the leading party, the euronews reports.

Alexis Tsipras of the Syriza bloc could not agree with mainstream parties because of his opposition to austerity measures demanded by international creditors as part of the bailout deal.

"In life there is no such thing as a little bit pregnant, just as there is no such thing as a little bit of bailout agreement. Either there are wrong policies, just like the bailout, which we will continue in larger or smaller doses and it will lead us towards catastrophe, or, we will demand another solution, beyond these mistaken, catastrophic policies," he said.

The baton now passes to the leader of the socialists who finished third. But Evangelos Venizelos has already got nothing out of talks with Syriza. Few expect him to succeed where the leading conservatives failed.

Another election seems increasingly likely.

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