14:12, 27 February 2009 | GMT +5
Strategic Development Plan for 2009-2011 presented at Kazakh Agency for Civil Service Affairs
ASTANA. February 27. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ Strategic Development Plan for 2009-2011 was presented at the session of the board of the Kazakh Agency for Civil Service Affairs, held in Astana, Kazinform reports.
As acting chairman of the Agency Aryn Orsariyev noted, the Plan provides further
development of three key directions^ increase of effectiveness of personnel of the public service, development of the institutes of public service system and the development of the Agency?s potential. In particular, introduction of professional and personal competencies based selection to the public service, development of wage system, integrated with estimation of work of civil servants on the results, etc. are scheduled.