20:11, 13 April 2009 | GMT +5
SULEIMEN BAKYRGANI (KHAKIM ATA) (beginning of XII century – 1186) – a poet, scientist, founder of the didactic literature, religious figure, follower of Khwaja Ahmad Yasavi.
He was born in Turkestan. He obtained education in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khoresm, and Sham.
S.Bakyrgani wrote books ?Khazret Mariyam?, ?Judgment Day?, which are steeped in religion and call the readers to benefaction, kindness and holiness. His main and famous works ?Akyrzaman?, ?Bakyrgani kitaby? speak about the problems of esthetics, ethics, sanctification and harmony.
S.Bakyrgani expanded Khwaja Ahmad Yasavi?s doctrine. He laid foundation to a special movement.
S.Bakyrgani died at the age of 82.
Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, vol.5
?Historical Figures? book