Summit to reshape Asian security with new concept

SHANGHAI. KAZINFORM Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed on Wednesday a new concept of Asian security which analysts said bears significant implications for regional stability and the rebalancing of global security.

Addressing the fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) held in Shanghai, Xi envisioned a mechanism that stresses common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security to tackle rising challenges facing the region with 67 percent of the world's population and one third of the global economy, Xinhua reports.

In sharp contrast to the decades-old security scheme based on Cold War mentality, the new concept addresses Asia's unique challenges shaped by its historical grievances, current tensions and potential risks, said Qu Xing, head of the China Institute of International Studies.

"We need to innovate our security concept, establish a new regional security cooperation architecture, and jointly build a shared and win-win road for Asian security," Xi said.

One cannot live in the 21st century with the outdated thinking from the age of Cold War and zero-sum game, Xi said.

By stressing sustainable security supported by sustainable development, the concept also provides a framework under which Asia can aspire to its revival based on economic prosperity, stability and cooperation, Qu said.

In his proposal, Xi said Asia should oppose beefing up a military alliance targeted at a third party, and any attempt to dominate regional security affairs or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other countries.

Security problems in Asia should eventually be solved by Asians themselves who are able to achieve regional peace and stability through cooperation, he said.

He urged countries in the region to insist on resolving disputes through peaceful means and oppose the arbitrary use of force or threats.

Provocations and escalation of tensions for selfish interests should also be opposed, he added.

Besides traditional security threats, Asia has found it difficult to respond effectively to non-traditional security threats including terrorism, transnational crimes, environmental security, cyber security, energy and resource security and major natural disasters which are clearly on the rise.

To build an Asian security mansion that could stand the test of wind storms, Xi said, "we need to focus on development, actively improve people's lives and narrow down the wealth gap to cement the foundation of security."

"We need to advance the process of common development and regional integration, foster sound interactions and synchronized progress of regional economic cooperation and security cooperation, and promote sustainable security through sustainable development," the president added.

The summit came six decades after the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence was put forward by Asian countries and adopted as a guide to international relations, said Li Weijian, a researcher with Shanghai Institute for International Studies.

As an extension of the five principles, the new concept will not only provide significant guidance to promote peace and stability of Asia, but also add momentum to the rebalancing of the world's economic and security dynamics, Li said.

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