Supreme Court introduced new Chief of staff

Marat Zhumagulov, former court staff manager, was relieved from his post in connection with his transfer to another job.
Bektas Beknazarov handed Zhumagulov III degree medal "Mіnsіz kyzmetі ushin'' for his exemplary and conscientious performance of official duties and achievements in work.
Nurlan Toremurat, deputy head of the department, was also released from his position.
The head of the highest judicial body reported on the protocol decision of the Supreme Judicial Council and the letter of consent from the Administration of the President that said about the appointment of Ilyas Ispanov to the position of the Head of the Department for Courts (of the Supreme Court).
The Chief Justice also read out his order appointing Zhazbek Abdiev to the post of the first First Deputy head of the department and assigned Asiya Kasenova a position of Deputy head of the department.