Supreme Court presented proposals per President’s reforms
Today during the enlarged session of the Supreme Court, its Chairman Kairat Mami has said that "the judicial system does not stand aside whilst there is work on fulfillment of the instructions on power redistribution among the government branches in legal field".
"As you know there has been formed a special group for this task. The Supreme Court has provided its proposals per for the upcoming reforms, which reflect our approaches towards judicial administration, interrelations with the Government, Parliament and other state authorities on the matters of justice. They are connected with our field in judicial system", Kairat Mami informed.
"In the meeting on January 24 the working group reported to the Head of State the preliminary proposals per this issue. In the part of the judicial system the proposals imply amendment of certain norms of the Constitution", Kairat Mami said in the Court meeting today.
As earlier reported, on January 25, 2017 President of Kazakhstan addressed the country with the statement of necessity to redistribute the roles and functions among the authority branches. The core idea is that the President hands over a range of his powers to the Parliament and Government.