18:05, 14 April 2009 | GMT +5
Surrogacy envisaged by Draft Code of Marriage and Family
ASTANA. April 14. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ President of the Kazakh Association of Sexual and Reproductive Health Tamara Zhussubaliyeva reported at the round table titled ?Some topical issues of the Kazakh Draft Code 'On Marriage and Family? in the Majilis (Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament).

According to T.Zhussubaliyeva, 12-15% of married couples in Kazakhstan are acyetic that makes problem of demographic character. About 110-120 thousand marriages are concluded every year, and about 17, 000 couples are infertile. 30% of them can have children only by auxiliary reproductive technologies.
In case when couples decide to have a child by means of a surrogate mother problems of legal character arise.
T.Zhusubaliyeva told about the additions to the Code, necessary for regulation of relations between genetic parents and surrogate mother, for protection of children?s rights, carried by surrogate mothers.