Swans on Lake Karakol died from malnutrition, veterinary authorities say

Swans on Lake Karakol died from malnutrition, veterinary authorities say
Photo credit: Ustyurt State Nature Reserve

Mangistau region’s veterinary department urges  to immediately start feeding swans to save their population on Lake Karakol, Kazinform News Agency reports.

As the local media outlet lada.kz informed, hundreds of swans failed to get through the winter for lack of food, while avian flu became a secondary cause.

According to the chief of the veterinary department Berdibek Markabayev, similar situation was observed last year.

Swans, even healthy ones, are believed to be the carriers of the avian flu. The virus becomes active in case of malnutrition, which occurred on the Lake Karakol. They [birds - edit] need food, their immune system does not work, swans get ill and die. To prevent the tragedy, we need to organize bird feeding, he said.

In his words, sponsors and volunteers are welcomed to help in the purchase and organization of feeding.

The veterinary department is currently vaccinating backyard poultry.

As reported, corpses of 227 dead swans were found on Lake Karakol.

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