Taraz city names new mayor

Zhilkibayev was born in 1982, graduated the Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Public Administration Academy under the Kazakh President, where he gained his master’s degree in state and local governance, Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University.
He started his career as a chief specialist at the Economics Department of South Kazakhstan region in 2003.
Between 2006 and 2009, he worked as a leading expert at the Office of the Government in the Kazakh Parliament, department head at the Ministry of Economics and Budget Planning, assistant of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of People of Kazakhstan.
From 2009 and 2014, he served as Deputy Head of the Office of the Governor of East Kazakhstan region, Deputy Mayor of the city of Semey, Head of the Office of the Governor of East Kazakhstan region.
He also worked as State inspector at the Department of State Control and Organizational and Territorial Operations of the Presidential Office, Governor of Medeu district of the city of Almaty, First Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of People of Kazakhstan.
Prior to the new appointment he has served as Deputy Governor of Zhambyl region.