Teenage boy slashes classmate with knife at Hiroshima school

Photo: english.kyodonews.net
HIROSHIMA. KAZINFORM - A 13-year-old boy slashed a classmate with a kitchen knife at a junior high school in Hiroshima on Friday, causing minor injuries to the victim, the local education board said, Kyodo reports.

The boy told a teacher that the attack, which took place around 8:15 a.m. in one of the school's restrooms, was indiscriminate, according to the education board in the western Japanese city. He likely brought the knife with him from home.

The victim, a 12-year-old boy, suffered minor injuries to his left arm and other parts of his body.

The incident comes just days after a knife-wielding 17-year-old trespassed at a junior high school in Saitama Prefecture, near Tokyo, and attacked a teacher who tried to stop him from entering a classroom.

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