Teenager detained with heroin in stomach in Moscow airport

MOSCOW. December 10. KAZINFORM Police at Moscow's Domodedovo airport have detained a 17-year-old Tajik national carrying some 800 grams of heroin in his stomach, a police source said, Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.

Experts established that the teenager had some 110 capsules with a grey powder, weighing a total of 790 grams. An express test showed it was heroin," the source said.

The teenager could face up to seven years in prison.

According to estimates, about 90% of heroin consumed in Russia is trafficked from Afghanistan via Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. And the vast majority of heroin consumed in Europe passes through Russia on its way from Afghanistan, where illegal drug production has reportedly risen more than 40 times since 2001, Kazinform cites RIA Novosti. See www.en.rian.ru

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