The country needs to know in which direction it should develop - President Nazarbayev

"In 1997, we adopted the strategic program till 2030. Since then, 15 years have passed. The idea to develop a new strategy appeared when we summed up what we have done over the last 15 years. But the strategy is not developed in one day, one month or one year. To develop a long-term strategy it is necessary to analyze what happens in the world, in the state, what is the strength of our economy, what we have, what kind of products we should produce, what is the population's level of literacy. In order to determine which way to move, it is needed to attract a lot of experts, foreign experts in various fields, domestic experts, experts from each ministry. After major data is collected, it is time to begin working out a strategic program," said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The President noted that most of the objectives of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030" has already been achieved. Long-term planning is now popular in all major countries, because the country needs to know in which direction it should develop. In addition, Kazakhstan is a country with a young population. Youth needs to know how the country is going to develop.