15:59, 11 November 2014 | GMT +5
The new economic policy of the President is ideal - head of Trade Union’s Federation
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The new economic policy of President Nursultan Nazarbayev is, in fact, perfect, said the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan Abelgazy Kusainov commenting the President's address, which was voiced at the enlarged session of the Political Council of the Nur Otan Party.

"Today's program is, in its essence, ideal. The President said that the next 3-4 years will be difficult for our economy. Therefore, the President told the people about the new economic policy, and the new program," said A.Kusainov. Chairman of the Federation noted that the new economic policy takes into account international experience. It focused on creating jobs through the implementation of infrastructure projects. It is worth noting that construction of roads, for example, will create 200 thousand news jobs. According to A.Kusainov, the new economic policy will help the country to overcome the crisis.