The OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension Forum was held in Prague

Kazakhstan's delegation was represented by the ministries of environment, economy and budget planning, transport and communications, a number of NGOs as well as representatives of the Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the international organizations in Vienna and the Embassy in Prague. The forum participants were informed about the initiatives of Kazakhstan in the field of "green" growth: Concept of Kazakhstan's transition to a "green" economy, "Green Bridge" Partnership, as well as Astana EXPO-2017 topics.
The focus of the forum was the OSCE's role in protecting the environment in intensive energy development.
The forum emphasized the relevance of energy development in the OSCE region in view of reducing the burden on the environment, the need for coordination and cooperation between the countries in formulating the strategies and policies in the field of energy security. The proposals were presented to extend the implementation of environmentally friendly "green" technologies, energy efficiency, renewable energy, the replacement of coal as a primary energy fuel to the natural gas.
The forum discussions covered a wide range of issues, in particular the promotion of transparency and good governance in the energy sector, mechanisms to prevent negative environmental impacts of energy projects, cooperation between the public and private sectors and NGOs in the field of new and emerging environmentally-friendly energy technologies.
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan