The story of my name - Consul General of Kazakhstan in Xi'an Zhoshykhan

The story of my name - Consul General of Kazakhstan in Xi'an Zhoshykhan
Photo credit: personal archive of Zhoshykhan Kyraubayev

Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Xi'an - Zhoshykhan Kyraubaev, has been working fruitfully in the diplomatic sphere for 25 years. He told the history of his name, which causes admiration among foreign colleagues, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

Zhoshykhan Kyraubayev suits his name. He gives the impression of a stately, strong and intelligent man. Choosing such a historical name for a newborn in Soviet times was a bold step.

“My father's sister Alma Kyraubaeva was an outstanding Kazakh scientist, doctor of philological sciences, professor. She studied the ancient Turkic literary heritage and conducted research on the formation of Kazakh literature. Having made bold steps in the study of the literature of the Turkic era, which was not studied for various reasons during the Soviet era, she introduced into scientific circulation Rabguzi's work “Kissas-ul-Anbiya”, which became a spiritual treasure. She made it available in the Kazakh language. The text of “Makhabbatnama” was published in Kazakh. Scientific interests of Alma Mutalipkyzy originate from the most ancient times of Kazakh literature and cover the era of oriental, religious orientation of the early twentieth century. She is one of the first Kazakh scientists who wrote about the great Yer Tunga, Tomiris, Zarina, Shirak batyr, Mode Khan, Bilge-Kagan, Kultegin, Tonykok, Kok-bori. In the period of such scientific search, I was born. Alma Mutalipkyzy named me Zhoshykhan, in honor of Jochi-khan, with whom the Kazakh Khanate began. As a child, my grandfather Mutalip, known in the southern region as a poet, zhyrshy and wrestler, used to say: “The meaning of your name is a small guest who came from Tengri,” says Zhoshykhan Asylbekovich.

According to the diplomat, while meeting with Mongolian officials, when they heard his name they were pleasantly surprised.

“During the conversation with Mongolian colleagues, they admitted that they see in me a kindred spirit and that they honor the memory and worship Jochi Khan. I told them that Jochi Khan united Kazakh tribes, and he was carried on a white carpet and worshipped by Tengri. If a name contains the word “Khan”, we will dig into history and argue that it is related to us. I have been working with China for 20 years. Chinese diplomats who know history also pay attention to my name,” says Zhoshykhan Asylbekovich.

On behalf of the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, special attention is paid to the study of history. Popularization of the name of Jochi Khan and deepening of the formation of the Kazakh people. If young people remember and honor history, it is a guarantee of stable and prosperous future of our country.

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