This is an excellent opportunity for Kazakhstan to participate in international dialogues and influence decision-making related to regional security – Aladin Mustafayev on advantages of SCO for Kazakhstan

Aladin Mustafayev
Photo credit: Aladin Mustafayev's personal archive

The 24th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is taking place in Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Member of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Aladin Mustafayev shared his opinion on the advantages of Kazakhstan’s participation in the SCO, the key one of which is the expansion of economic cooperation with other participating countries, a Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

According to Mustafayev, Kazakhstan has been actively participating in the SCO since its founding in 2001 and is presiding over the organization for the fourth time. The SCO includes Russia, China, Türkiye, India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Iran joined in 2023, and Belarus will be hosted at this summit. Also, the political scientist emphasized:

“Currently, the position of one of the Deputy Secretary Generals of the SCO is occupied by a representative of Kazakhstan, Nurlan Ermekbayev. Such appointments, of course, are not accidental. This indicates a high level of confidence in our diplomats from the world community.”

The main priorities of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the SCO are ensuring security and stability, expanding trade and economic ties, strengthening energy cooperation, developing the digital sphere, as well as interaction in the fields of ecology and cultural and humanitarian ties. Mustafayev noted that the current task of the SCO member countries is the implementation of the SCO Economic Development Strategy until 2030.

“The task that the SCO member countries are currently implementing is the realization of the SCO Economic Development Strategy until 2030. Last year, our President proposed to jointly develop the SCO Initiative “On World Unity for a Just Peace and Harmony.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan has already submitted this draft, and all SCO participants supported its adoption at the current summit. In general, our Kazakh initiatives are aimed at developing the SCO region,” says Aladin Mustafayev.

Work under this initiative includes launching a participatory process to find a Just World Formula, strengthening a fair and inclusive trading system, and moving for a clean and safe planet.

“The initiative “On World Unity for a Just Peace and Harmony,” proposed by the Head of State [Kassym-Jomart Tokayev], is a response to growing geopolitical tensions and the tendency toward confrontation between states. Against the background of what is happening in the world, against the background of the geopolitical situation, the attractiveness of the SCO and its principles is growing. It is planned to adopt more than 20 documents at the summit. The main one is the Astana Declaration,” adds Aladin Mustafayev.

Mustafayev emphasized that Kazakhstan’s participation in the SCO contributes to the development of trade, investment, technological exchange, and other forms of economic interaction. This means access to new markets, attracting foreign investment, and sharing advanced technologies.

At such regular meetings and summits, according to Mustafayev, current problems are discussed, and ways to solve them and strengthen cooperation are proposed. This is an excellent opportunity for Kazakhstan to participate in international dialogues and influence decision-making related to regional security, stability, and development.

In addition, Mustafayev emphasized the importance of cooperation in the fields of culture and education within the SCO. Exchange of students, holding cultural events, and joint scientific research help strengthen friendly ties between peoples. Kazakhstan's participation in the SCO brings benefits in the economic, political, cultural, and educational spheres, strengthens the country's position in the international arena, and improves the lives of its citizens.

“It is quite obvious that Kazakhstan’s participation in the SCO brings benefits both in the economic, political, cultural, and educational spheres. All this helps to strengthen the country’s position in the international arena, expand opportunities for development and cooperation, and improve the lives of our citizens,” noted Aladin Mustafayev.

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