11:09, 12 December 2009 | GMT +5
Three road accidents took lives of three people countrywide Dec 11 - Emergencies Ministry
ASTANA. December 12. KAZINFIORM Three people died and seven were injured in road accidents countrywide yesterday, the press service of the Kazakh Emergencies Ministry informs.

The first accident took place in Kaztalovka village, West Kazakhstan, on the 59 km of Zhalpaktal-Kaztalovka highway. Driver of Toyota could not make his car following which the vehicle overturned. The driver died at the spot, his five passengers got various traumas.
One died and two got injuries as a result of collision of VAZ and KrAZ truck at one of intersections of the city of Aktobe.
A 83-year-old woman was knocked to death by a car in Ushtobe town, Almaty oblast.