08:34, 28 June 2013 | GMT +6
Tomsk & Karaganda foster cooperation
TOMSK. June 28. KAZINFORM Governors of Tomsk and Karaganda regions have signed the Plan on Memorandum implementation between Akimat of Karaganda region and Tomsk Administration for 2013-2015.
"The document provides development of cooperationa in many spheres, including business, industry, agricultural sector, health care, construction, housing and public utilities, education, culture, sport and social policy," the press service of the Tomsk region administration informed.
The two regions' cooperation dates back to 2008, when the Tomsk delegation visited Karaganda region for the first time.
Currently, Karaganda and Tomsk universities and research institutes cooperate in experts' training, development and realization of educational programs. One of such projects is a creation of a Polistan preparation, which will allow human immune system to protect itself against cancerous growth.