Tourism development in N Kazakhstan to be boosted

"In the furtherance of the Program Article ‘Seven Facets of the Great Steppe' by Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev, the works on building the Museum of the Botai culture, cultural monument of the Aeneolithic tribes of Northern Kazakhstan, will continue in the region. KZT 2 billion from the central government budget will be allocated for these purposes," said Kumar Aksakalov.
The governor added that the research conducted by scientists from numerous countries of the world confirmed that it was North Kazakhstan region where the domestication of the horse occurred in the 4th millennium BC.
"We consider the development of tourism as one of the essential components of the region's economic development. Being the crown jewel of Northern Kazakhstan, the Imantau-Shalkar resort zone, is the most attractive zone for tourists and one of the 10 priority areas for tourism development in our country," Kumar Aksakalov pointed out.